Dr Caitriona Clear - The popular fiction of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland 1930s-1950s as a source for Social History
25 January 2022
Dr Caitriona Clear teaches nineteenth and twentieth-century European and Irish history at NUI, Galway. She has written books on nuns in nineteenth-century Ireland, women’s household work in the twentieth century, women’s magazines in the 1950s and 60s, and a general textbook on Irish social history. She has also published on a variety of historical topics including homelessness, children, health, dress and fashion, oral history, emigration, work, and welfare, and she is currently engaged in a study of Irish popular writers, especially women, between around 1920 and 1970.
These Heritage from Home talks have been made possible through the Shared History Fund with money from The Northern Ireland Office allocated by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
This event will be delivered via Zoom.