Belfast Bombing Threatens Children's Safety
11 January 1922
Belfast News-Letter, January 11, 1922
Although the Anglo-Irish Treaty began to resolve much of the violent conflict which had plagued Belfast since 1920, some factions continued to persist in pogrom violence. This article highlights the chaotic and frenzied nature of attacks across the city.
Some Shooting in Falls Area
Four bombs were thrown in Belfast yesterday, resulting in six casualties, all amongst children. The first of these outrages occurred at 4 o'clock, when a bomb exploded with tremendous force at the corner of Lucknow Street and Cupar Street in the Falls area, and a little girl named Annie Kelly, of 68, Locknow Street, was slightly injured by the flying splinters. Fortunately very few people were about at the time, otherwise the results would probably have been more serious. Many windows of houses in the vicinity were shattered. Some shooting took place in the district afterwards but the arrival of the police restored order.
At 8.45 p.m. a bomb was thrown into Herbert Street (off the Crumlin Road), and six children, all of whom resided in Chatham Street, which intersects Herbert Street were slightly wounded. The names of the injured are: P. McGrath (13), wounded in leg; James Penrose (12), wounded in leg; D. Quigg (13), wounded in leg; Maggie Duffy (15), wounded in leg; L. Matthews (13), wounded in leg; and Annie Reid (13) also wounded in the leg. They were all removed in ambulance to the Mater Hospital for treatment. After the bomb explosion several shots were fired. Crown forces came on the scene, and made a thorough search of the neighbourhood, but with that result is not known. There were no further disturbances in this area.
The third bombing attack took place about the same time in Bombay Street, which runs along Kashmir Road to Clonard Gardens. On this occasion two bombs were thrown into the back yard of No. 59, occupied by a man named Jospeh Bannon. One of the bombs was defective and failed to go off, but the second exploded with a loud detonation, causing considerable alarm in the neighbourhood. The windows at the back of the house were smashed, but fortunately no one was injured.