Performances across Belfast Theatres
18 August 1921

The Stage, 18 August 1921
In 1921 The Stage, a theatrical newspaper aimed at industry professionals, reported on recent performances at several Belfast theatres such as the Grand Opera House and the Royal Hippodrome. The Empire, Belfast’s leading variety theatre, included a performance from Belfast-born actor Albert Sharpe, who later had a successful film career appearing in productions such as Brigadoon and Darby O’Gill and the Little People.
(From Our Own Correspondent.)
GRAND OPERA HOUSE (M.D., Fred W. Warden; G. M., Jas. M. McCann).—Frederick Harrison’s company present “Mary Rose,” which was greeted with a fine house on Monday. The enthusiasm displayed was a remarkable tribute to the piece and its performance. A natural and decidedly clever piece of acting is given by Lila Maravan in the title-role, and she has the admirable support of Darby Foster, who plays the dual role of Simon Blake and Harry in splendid style. The charming acting of Margaret Watson and Mrs. Morland pleased the house. It is a good time now since Frederick Victor acted in this city; his Mr. Morland was quite in his old happy vein, and his many admirers were glad to see him back again. An amusing Mr. Amery is supplied by Edgar Bruce, while Cyril Griffiths is capital is Cameron. Frances Rutteridge is also very good as Mrs. Otery. The incidental music for the play is also a feature, and, with the augmented orchestra, ably handled by K. Ernest Irving on behalf of the company, aids the piece very materially.
ROYAL HIPPODROME (G.M., Geo. Dobler).—“Bran Pie” is the attraction here, and there were two full houses on Monday. The cast is a fine one, the chief performers being the Two Bobs, Odette Myrtil, and Rebla, who have the admirable assistance of Billy Holland, Stella Swinhol, Cicely Eldon, and Josephine Ellis.
EMPIRE (L. Barney Armstrong; G.M., Vincent Potter).—The O’Hara Sisters, a trio of singers and dancers, are well received. A clever acrobatic act is supplied by the Two Lilleys. The musical and vocal act of the Michaeloff Trio is a delightful one. Selby and Myers are old favourite here, and do as well as ever. Will Style, the Lennox Duo, and Albert Sharpe are also here.
ALHAMBRA (G.M., W. Gibson Bradley).—Sam and Betty Aukland in a smart musical act and June Daye in a dancing act are appearing here.