Crime in Ireland Worsens
07 February 1922
The Derry Journal, Monday February 6, 1922
Two Farmers and Two Policemen Killed.
I.R.A and Cattle Drivers
Martial Law Area Being Extended
Shot Dead in Clare
Two black and Tan policemen were shot dead when leaving a public house at Lisdoonvarna, county Clare, on Friday. The affair is regarded as a reprisal for the Ennistymon outrage on Wednesday, when a bomb was thrown from the police barracks among a group of school children who were watching the police evacuating the building. The names of the constables shot dead are Kerhaw and Gourlee, who belonged to England. They were returning to barracks from a public house on the outskirts of the village. In the vicinity of the barracks they were ambushed and fatally wounded. The police in barracks heard the shot- ran out, and found their comrades dead on the road. A search failed to find any ties to the perpetrators, nor had any arrests been made.
Shot in His Own House
The Press Association's Thurlose correspondent telegraphs: - Michael Kennedy, a middle aged farmer, residing at Glenkeen, near Borrosleigh, was shot dead through the door last night. Hearing a noise outside he was preceding to open the door when shots rang out, and he fell mortally wounded. About a week ago several shots were fired into his residence, without effect. Deceased was very popular in the district, and never took part in politics. The crime had no political significance, and is denounced by all classes.
Farmer Found Dead
The Roscommon police are inquiring into the mysterious circumstances which surround the death of Patrick Cuddy, a substantial farmer. The deceased, who was married, and had a family, was discovered lying on the road-side near his residence early on Saturday morning. Wounds were discovered on the body of the deceased but it is not known how they were received.
I.R.A Chase Cattle Drivers
A party of cattle drivers with several cattle taken from the lands of Mr. George Ryan, at Inchnear Thurles, were Emet on Saturday morning by officers of the I.R.A, who after an exchange of shots, chased the drivers across the fields, and took possession of the animals. There were no casualties.
Martial Law in Tipperary
It is understood that martial law is about to be proclaimed in Mid Tipperary.