New President and Cabinet Elected
10 January 1922
Dublin Evening Telegraph, January 10, 1922
De Valera and his Supporters Leave the Chamber
When Dáil Éireann resumed to-day at University College, the speaker read a telegram from the Pope which states that the Holy Father rejoices with the Irish people.
A communication was also received from the Irish Labour Party and Trade Union Congress asking that a deputation be heard on many matters affecting the country, one being "the necessity for the functioning of a stable authority".
It was agreed to hear the deputation in the afternoon.
Mr. Michael Collins moved that Mr. Griffith be elected president of the Dáil Éireann.
During Mr. Etchingham's speech opposing the election of Mr. Griffith, Mr. J. J. Walsh moved that the question be now put.
A number of Deputies, including Mr. Erskine Childers, Mr. Harry Boland, and other leading supporters of Mr. De Valera, rose to protest against this new motion and claimed the privilege to speak.
Mr. de Valera then stood up, and, amidst a sensational scene, announced that as a protest against the election of the Chairman of the Plenipotentiaries as president of the Irish Republic, he at least would leave the room while such a vote was being taken.
Mr. de Valera then marched out of the Chamber, followed by his supporters.
After Mr. de Valera and his supporters had left the Speaker put the motion.
The roll was called, and the Speaker declared Mr. Griffith elected President.
The Dáil adjourned at 1.45 until 4 o'clock.
There were 65 members on the roll when Mr. de Valera and his supporters had withdrawn.
One member of each party paired off, and Mr. Derbam (Dublin) was unavoidably absent.